Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Novi dentist offers free dental screenings for kids Thursday | hometownlife.com | the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, Mirror Newspapers and Hometown Weeklies

Novi dentist offers free dental screenings for kids Thursday | hometownlife.com | the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, Mirror Newspapers and Hometown Weeklies:

Michigan is fluoridated: "1 in 4 third graders in the state of Michigan have untreated tooth decay, and over half have suffered from dental caries"

MediLexicon News - The State Of The Tooth: Chicago Area Residents Talk Dental

MediLexicon News - The State Of The Tooth: Chicago Area Residents Talk Dental:

In fluoridated Chicago:

"When asked to rank how healthy they thought their teeth and gums were:

-- 27 percent gave themselves an A, noting no dental problems.

-- 48 percent said there was room for improvement, noting a few issues they need to take care of.

-- 20 percent said they have several issues that need treatment.

-- 5 percent said they were currently in pain from their teeth and gums."

Monday, February 23, 2009

Brushing up on dental care -- baltimoresun.com

Brushing up on dental care -- baltimoresun.com:

"Nationwide, despite fluoridated water and toothpaste and increased dental visits, dental disease and cavities among preschoolers are rising, largely among poor children, according to data from the American Dental Association and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Health report contains high hopes | The Australian

Health report contains high hopes | The Australian:

In 75% fluoridated Australia: "There were an estimated 50,000 avoidable hospital admissions in 2004-05 from preventable dental conditions. Fluoridation significantly improved oral health but tooth decay in children is on the rise again."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Postbulletin.com: Rochester, MN

Postbulletin.com: Rochester, MN:

In Minnesota where fluoridation is state-mandated: "Hospital emergency rooms are seeing thousands of repeat patients with unresolved dental problems. According to 2006 data, there are well over 20,000 visits to Minnesota emergency rooms for the purpose of addressing dental health problems. The cost to Minnesota taxpayers and Minnesota Hospitals is unacceptable.

This problem will only get worse over the next 15-20 years, when 60 percent of practicing dentists in Minnesota are projected to retire."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Water a lot of sugar - Marketing - NZ Herald News

Water a lot of sugar - Marketing - NZ Herald News:

"Dentist Joanne Tucker of Auckland's Dental Care West said she sees many children and adults needing teeth removed thanks to sugar damage, and soft drinks were the main culprit." Auckland, New Zealand is fluoridated. 61% of NZ is fluoridated

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lack of dental care can be real pain | CITIZEN-TIMES.com | Asheville Citizen-Times

Lack of dental care can be real pain Asheville Citizen-Times:

"Cases like Shepherd's — where people put off dental care because they say they can't afford it — are crowding emergency rooms and free clinics, local health experts said." in Asheville, North Carolina, where the water is fluoridated.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fort Mill Times | FortMillTimes.com - Proposed Minn. dental cuts could land more in ERs - Fort Mill, SC

Fort Mill Times | FortMillTimes.com - Proposed Minn. dental cuts could land more in ERs - Fort Mill, SC:

Fluoridation is required in all Minnesota public water supplies:

"Dr. Stephen MacLeod sees patients whose toothaches have sprouted into infections so bad that Hennepin County Medical Center's emergency doctors call him for help."

"Hennepin County Medical Center's (HCMC) emergency room in Minneapolis have dental issues. Toothaches. Advanced decay. Swollen faces.

HCMC treated about 4,500 such cases last year, at a cost of $2.6 million

Then there are the cases that stick out - like the diabetic whose untreated toothache spread and turned into a flesh-eating infection. MacLeod said the man lost part of his chest wall and the skin on his neck, spent months in intensive care to stabilize his diabetes and got skin grafts that make it hard for him to open his mouth two years later."

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Carteret County News-Times > News-times > News > Clinic brings out smiles

Carteret County News-Times > News-times > News > Clinic brings out smiles:

In 88% fluoridated North Carolina: "“The problem of access to care continues to be a sad reality in North Carolina,” states a press release issued by the N.C. Dental Society. “One out of every four North Carolina children enters kindergarten with untreated dental disease. Even the high level of charitable care delivered by dentists every year will never solve the problem of untreated dental disease among our children.”"

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Notable numbers - Editorials - News & Observer

Notable numbers - Editorials - News & Observer:

North Carolina is 88% fluoridated:

"4,400 - The number of people who went to WakeMed's emergency department last year because of dental problems, a number that doesn't include traumas involving broken teeth or jaws"

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

State Capitol Briefs, Monday, Feb. 2 - Belmont, MA - Belmont Citizen-Herald


Massachusetts is 60% fluoridated:

"With the Patrick administration’s top public health official describing a “very disturbing trend” of tooth decay among Massachusetts children, ... According to Health Care for All, a consumer advocacy group, nearly half of Massachusetts children experience tooth decay before third grade, a disease five times more common than asthma... “We struggled over the last several years, particularly in part of the district I represent, which is Cape Cod, to even get any dentists to accept Medicaid patients,” she said. "